Slip lifter

The Bentec hydraulic slip lifter, SL-1500-FN, aims to promote efficient operations through reducing equipment handling to ultimately improve rig floor safety.
Key benefits
- Safety improvements - personnel removed from Red Zone
- Hands-off philosophy
- Ease of installation
- Fully compatible with other market solutions
- Field-proven design
- Speeds up tubular handling process
- Operated remotely by driller
- Component parts easily exchangeable
Developed in conjunction with specific customer needs, the slip lifter, SL-1500-FN is fully compatible with all market solutions, enabling use of existing control systems.
Equipped with interchanegable fork head mounting units, skidding plate and slip stabbing/adaptor gudies to easily conform to various sizes of tubulars: slips, drill pipes and casings used.
As part of Kenera's approach to rig automation, the SL-1500-FN can be hydraulically operated remotely from the drillers cabin or safely positioned on the drill floor.
The slip lifter is suitable for all land and offshore rigs.
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